CIDS is in the process of implementing a three year project called Strengthening the capacities of the BiH Ministry of Defence for sustained professionalism and integrity. The project is a continuation of the preceding projects which were based on the needs assessments and country reports, concluding that the MoD has yet to put in place a system capable of sustaining professionalism and integrity in the areas of public procurement, managerial and organizational practices.
The expected results of the Project are twofold. First, the long term planned effects on society (the Impact) are:
(1) Enhanced professionalism and integrity in public procurement, asset disposal, and property management,
(2) More profound anchoring of professionalism and gender equality in overall organisational and managerial arrangements of defence institutions, and
(3) General mechanism to promote integrity and reduce corruption risks in defence institutions more comprehensive and effective.
The long term planned effects for the target group of the Project (the Outcome) are:
- Enhanced quality of regulatory, institutional and procedural frameworks regarding public procurement, asset disposal, and property management.
- Staff awareness and competence in public procurement, asset disposal, and property management enhanced;
- Ministerial staff more knowledgeable in general management fundamentals, i.a. strategic planning, policy development, staff management and communication;
- The MoD having the capacity and information to take the necessary steps to amend organisational structure and staffing patterns in ways that will enhance professionalism;
- Meritocratic HRM and gender equality more profoundly anchored in the MoD;
- Issues related to good governance more adequately addressed in strategies and legal frameworks governing the defence and security sector
- Reduced levels of inappropriate influence (political and other) on employees in defence institutions
- A culture of integrity and professional ethics in defence institutions being developed.
- Conflicts of interest and other corruption risks more adequately managed.
- Strengthened oversight and accountability in integrity related areas
- Strengthened and more comprehensive efforts to further reduce corruption risk and improve integrity.
The main planned products and/or services of the Project (the Outputs) are:
- Draft regulations
- Draft guidelines/manuals
- Analytical reports/studies
- Methodologies
- Capacity building plans
- Training and other competency building efforts